How to get the best experience of our VIRTUAL STORE
Thanks for visiting Orleans Whole Food Store's VIRTUAL STORE! Your experience will vary based on your device and web browser. If you're having trouble seeing product details when you zoom in, you may want to try different options. You can click here to download the free and safe Firefox Browser — our site seems to work well on it. Most iPads seem to work very well also. If your browser doesn't allow you to "pinch zoom" — Firefox doesn't — use the keyboard commands illustrated below to zoom in and out. Phones work for an overall look at things, but seeing close detail on them is somewhat limited. Prices and inventory may not be up-to-date, and due to current supply shortages, more products than usual are out of stock. Thank you for your understanding! For same-day curbside pickup order online before 3:00pm or call 508-255-6540 before 5:00pm.